// ========== Copyright Header Begin ========================================== // // OpenSPARC T1 Processor File: bw_r_idct.v // Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES. // // The above named program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public // License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // The above named program is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public // License along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // ========== Copyright Header End ============================================ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* // Module Name: bw_r_idct.v // Description: // Contains the RTL for the icache and dcache tag blocks. // This is a 1RW 512 entry X 33b macro, with 132b rd and 132b wr, // broken into 4 33b segments with its own write enable. // Address and Control inputs are available the stage before // array access, which is referred to as "_x". Write data is // available in the same stage as the write to the ram, referred // to as "_y". Read data is also read out and available in "_y". // // X | Y // index | ram access // index sel | write_tag // rd/wr req | -> read_tag // way enable | */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local header file includes / local defines //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //FPGA_SYN enables all FPGA related modifications `ifdef FPGA_SYN `define FPGA_SYN_IDCT `endif `ifdef FPGA_SYN_IDCT module bw_r_idct(rdtag_w0_y, rdtag_w1_y, rdtag_w2_y, rdtag_w3_y, so, rclk, se, si, reset_l, sehold, rst_tri_en, index0_x, index1_x, index_sel_x, dec_wrway_x, rdreq_x, wrreq_x, wrtag_w0_y, wrtag_w1_y, wrtag_w2_y, wrtag_w3_y, adj); input rclk; input se; input si; input reset_l; input sehold; input rst_tri_en; input [6:0] index0_x; input [6:0] index1_x; input index_sel_x; input [3:0] dec_wrway_x; input rdreq_x; input wrreq_x; input [32:0] wrtag_w0_y; input [32:0] wrtag_w1_y; input [32:0] wrtag_w2_y; input [32:0] wrtag_w3_y; input [3:0] adj; output [32:0] rdtag_w0_y; output [32:0] rdtag_w1_y; output [32:0] rdtag_w2_y; output [32:0] rdtag_w3_y; output so; wire clk; reg [6:0] index_y; reg rdreq_y; reg wrreq_y; reg [3:0] dec_wrway_y; wire [6:0] index_x; wire [3:0] we; reg [131:0] rdtag_sa_y; //for error_inject XMR assign clk = rclk; assign index_x = (index_sel_x ? index1_x : index0_x); assign we = ({4 {((wrreq_y & reset_l) & (~rst_tri_en))}} & dec_wrway_y); always @(posedge clk) begin if (~sehold) begin rdreq_y <= rdreq_x; wrreq_y <= wrreq_x; index_y <= index_x; dec_wrway_y <= dec_wrway_x; end end bw_r_idct_array ictag_ary_00( .we (we[0]), .clk (clk), .way (2'b00), .rd_data(rdtag_w0_y), .wr_data(wrtag_w0_y), .addr (index_y), .dec_wrway_y (dec_wrway_y)); bw_r_idct_array ictag_ary_01( .we (we[1]), .clk (clk), .way (2'b01), .rd_data(rdtag_w1_y), .wr_data(wrtag_w1_y), .addr (index_y), .dec_wrway_y (dec_wrway_y)); bw_r_idct_array ictag_ary_10( .we (we[2]), .clk (clk), .way(2'b10), .rd_data(rdtag_w2_y), .wr_data(wrtag_w2_y), .addr (index_y), .dec_wrway_y (dec_wrway_y)); bw_r_idct_array ictag_ary_11( .we (we[3]), .clk (clk), .way(2'b11), .rd_data(rdtag_w3_y), .wr_data(wrtag_w3_y), .addr (index_y), .dec_wrway_y (dec_wrway_y)); endmodule module bw_r_idct_array(we, clk, rd_data, wr_data, addr,dec_wrway_y,way); input we; input clk; input [32:0] wr_data; input [6:0] addr; input [3:0] dec_wrway_y; input [1:0] way; output [32:0] rd_data; reg [32:0] rd_data; reg [32:0] array[511:0] /* synthesis syn_ramstyle = block_ram syn_ramstyle = no_rw_check */ ; integer i; initial begin `ifdef DO_MEM_INIT // Add the memory init file in the database $readmemb("/import/dtg-data11/sandeep/niagara/design/sys/iop/srams/rtl/mem_init_idct.txt",array); `endif end always @(negedge clk) begin if (we) begin array[addr] <= wr_data; end else rd_data <= array[addr]; end endmodule `else module bw_r_idct(/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs rdtag_w0_y, rdtag_w1_y, rdtag_w2_y, rdtag_w3_y, so, // Inputs rclk, se, si, reset_l, sehold, rst_tri_en, index0_x, index1_x, index_sel_x, dec_wrway_x, rdreq_x, wrreq_x, wrtag_w0_y, wrtag_w1_y, wrtag_w2_y, wrtag_w3_y, adj ); input rclk, se, si, reset_l; // active LOW reset input sehold; input rst_tri_en; input [6:0] index0_x; // read/write address0 input [6:0] index1_x; // read/write address1 input index_sel_x; // selects between index1 and index0 input [3:0] dec_wrway_x; // way -- functions as a write enable // per 33b input rdreq_x, // read enable wrreq_x; // write enable // Don't use rdreq and wrreq to gate off the clock, since these are // critical. A separate power down signal can be supplied if // needed. input [32:0] wrtag_w0_y; // write data, not flopped input [32:0] wrtag_w1_y; // input [32:0] wrtag_w2_y; // input [32:0] wrtag_w3_y; // input [3:0] adj; output [32:0] rdtag_w0_y; // read data split into 4 ports output [32:0] rdtag_w1_y; // not flopped output [32:0] rdtag_w2_y; // output [32:0] rdtag_w3_y; // output so; // Declarations // local signals `ifdef DEFINE_0IN `else reg [32:0] ictag_ary [511:0]; reg [131:0] rdtag_bl_y, rdtag_sa_y; `endif wire clk; reg [6:0] index_y; reg rdreq_y, wrreq_y; reg [3:0] dec_wrway_y; wire [6:0] index_x; //---------------- // Code start here //---------------- assign clk = rclk; //------------------------- // 2:1 mux on address input //------------------------- // address inputs are critical and this mux needs to be merged with // the receiving flop. assign index_x = index_sel_x ? index1_x : index0_x; //------------------------ // input flops from x to y //------------------------ // these need to be scannable always @ (posedge clk) begin if (~sehold) begin rdreq_y <= rdreq_x; wrreq_y <= wrreq_x; index_y <= index_x; dec_wrway_y <= dec_wrway_x; end end `ifdef DEFINE_0IN wire [131:0] wm = { {33{(dec_wrway_y[3])}},{33{(dec_wrway_y[2])}},{33{(dec_wrway_y[1])}},{33{(dec_wrway_y[0])}} }; wire we = wrreq_y & ~se; l1_tag l1_tag ( .nclk(~clk), .adr(index_y[6:0]), .we(we), .wm(wm), .din ({wrtag_w3_y,wrtag_w2_y,wrtag_w1_y,wrtag_w0_y}), .dout({rdtag_w3_y,rdtag_w2_y,rdtag_w1_y,rdtag_w0_y}) ); `else //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read Operation //---------------------------------------------------------------------- always @(/*AUTOSENSE*/ /*memory or*/ index_y or rdreq_y or reset_l or wrreq_y) begin if (rdreq_y & reset_l) begin if (wrreq_y) // rd_wr conflict begin rdtag_bl_y = {132{1'bx}}; end else // no write, read only begin rdtag_bl_y[32:0] = ictag_ary[{index_y,2'b00}]; // way0 rdtag_bl_y[65:33] = ictag_ary[{index_y,2'b01}]; // way1 rdtag_bl_y[98:66] = ictag_ary[{index_y,2'b10}]; // way2 rdtag_bl_y[131:99] = ictag_ary[{index_y,2'b11}];// way3 end end else // no read begin rdtag_bl_y = {132{1'bx}}; end end // always @ (... // SA latch -- to make 0in happy always @ (/*AUTOSENSE*/clk or rdreq_y or rdtag_bl_y or reset_l) begin if (rdreq_y & ~clk & reset_l) begin rdtag_sa_y <= rdtag_bl_y; end end // Output is held the same if there is no read. This is not a // hard requirement, please let me know if the output has to // be something else for ease of implementation. // Output behavior during reset is currently not coded. // Functionally there is no preference, though it should be // unchanging to keep the power low. // Final Output assign rdtag_w0_y = rdtag_sa_y[32:0]; assign rdtag_w1_y = rdtag_sa_y[65:33]; assign rdtag_w2_y = rdtag_sa_y[98:66]; assign rdtag_w3_y = rdtag_sa_y[131:99]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write Operation //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Writes should be blocked off during scan shift. always @ (negedge clk) begin if (wrreq_y & reset_l & ~rst_tri_en) begin if (dec_wrway_y[0]) ictag_ary[{index_y, 2'b00}] = wrtag_w0_y; if (dec_wrway_y[1]) ictag_ary[{index_y, 2'b01}] = wrtag_w1_y; if (dec_wrway_y[2]) ictag_ary[{index_y, 2'b10}] = wrtag_w2_y; if (dec_wrway_y[3]) ictag_ary[{index_y, 2'b11}] = wrtag_w3_y; end end // TBD: Need to model rd-wr contention `endif //****************************************************** // The stuff below is not part of the main functionality // and has no representation in the actual circuit. //****************************************************** // synopsys translate_off //----------------------- // Contention Monitor //----------------------- `ifdef INNO_MUXEX `else always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rdreq_y & wrreq_y & reset_l) begin // 0in